Tree Care After Planting

Unlike many plants, trees generally take care of themselves after planting. There are some varieties that need more attention than others and there are some care tips that can help ensure their future health and value.
Unlike many plants, trees generally take care of themselves after planting. There are some varieties that need more attention than others and there are some care tips that can help ensure their future health and value.
If you are planning to plant a flowering tree, you might want to consider Crape Myrtles, Dogwoods or Tulip Poplars. But remember that all living things, including flowering trees, need year-round care. Soil quality, ample water supply and optimal temperature conditions play critical roles in the health of your flowering trees.
To protect your investment in trees, remember these care tips. Healthy trees increase in value over time. This helps by increasing property values, beautifying yards and landscapes, purifying the air, and saving energy through cooling shade and wind protection.
Expert KnowledgeJohn McMakin is a Clemson University graduate with nearly two decades of experience cultivating & caring for trees of all varieties. |
Specializes In WholesaleWe provide trees only to wholesale clients like architects, landscapers, contractor and builders. This focus gives you the dedicated attention you deserve. |
Quick & Easy QuotesVisit our quote request page where you can upload your shopping list for a quick, personalized quote. |
Family-OwnedAs a family-owned tree farm and nursery, McMakin Farms has a personal interest in their client’s success. |
Over 150 Acres In ProductionOur staff manages over 150 acres of trees in a wide variety of types and sizes. Our range of choices ensures a great selection. |
Convenient Upstate LocationLocated in Lyman, SC, we’re easily accessible from the upstate, NC and I-85. No big city traffic to negotiate here. |
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